Coming Back Hard Again - Fat Boys


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Title Coming Back Hard Again
Artist Fat Boys
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Year 1988
Label Tin Pan Apple, Polydor
Companies PolyGram Records, Inc., PolyGram Records, Inc., Latin Rascals Productions Inc., Palm Tree Enterprises Inc., Hudson Bay Music Inc., Fort Knox Music, Inc., Trio Music Co., Inc., Fat Brothers Music, Latin Rascals Music, Tin Pan Apple Music, PolyGram Songs, Inc., Lami-Lam Music, PolyGram Music Publishing, Inc., Missing Ball Music, Doozer Music, American Berry Music, Limax Music, Metaphor Music, New Line Cinema Corporation, Gordy Groove Music, Broccoli-Rabe Entertainment Complex, Counterpoint Studios, The Crib, D&D Studios, Power Station, Soundtrack Studios, Synth-Net, Inc., Unique Recording, The Crib, Power Station, Right Track Recording, Soundtrack Studios, Sterling Sound, PDO, Germany
Format Vinyl
Country Europe
Genus Hip Hop
Style Pop Rap
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SKU #954649351
Italiana -

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