The What Time Is Love Story - The KLF


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Immagini di repertorio.
Titolo The What Time Is Love Story
Artista The KLF
Formato LP, Comp
Condizioni disco Very Good Plus (VG+)
Condizioni custodia Very Good Plus (VG+)
Anno 1989
Etichetta KLF Communications JAMS LP 4
Companies The Cartel, KLF Communications, Full Time Records, EG, Zoo (3), Warner/Chappell, Zig Zag (10), Adrenalin (4)
Formato Vinyl
Paese UK
Genere Electronic
Stile Acid House, New Beat
Prezzo 40,00 €
Disponibilità Venduto
SKU #2351935336
Commenti Professional ultrasonic cleaning included. Available for questions.
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