The Nightfly - Donald Fagen


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Immagini di repertorio.
Titolo The Nightfly
Artista Donald Fagen
Formato LP, Album
Condizioni disco Very Good Plus (VG+)
Condizioni custodia Very Good (VG)
Anno 1982
Etichetta Warner Bros. Records 92 3696-1
Companies WEA Italiana S.p.A., WEA Italiana S.p.A., Graphyche Magica 2000, Soundworks Digital Audio/Video Studios, The Village Recorder, Automated Sound Studios, Soundworks Digital Audio/Video Studios, The Village Recorder, The Village Recorder, Masterdisk, Sheffield Lab Matrix, Allied Record Company, WEA International Inc., WEA International Inc.
Formato Vinyl
Paese Italy
Genere Jazz, Rock
Stile Fusion, Pop Rock
Prezzo 15,00 €
Disponibilità Disponibile
SKU #3348148488
Commenti Original inner sleeve. Moisture spots on front cover. Professional ultrasonic cleaning included. Available for questions.
Italiana -

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